Monday, February 2, 2009

Now That Obama's In Office...

Hello ladies and gents!
Unlike most people, I deliberately didn't blog on the day of Inauguration, the day after...or even the week after. Instead, I wanted to let people get comfortable with the idea of having a new (black) President, and what not. And, although the reformational trash talking began on Nov. 4th, I thought it was high time to voice my opinions and such on the topic in a form of what won't happen now that we have a new (black) President. Therefore, I present to you:

The Top 10 Things That WON'T Happen Just Because We Have a (half) Black President.

1. The White House getting a distinctively darker paint job [Thanks Miko!]
2. America reenacting the reciprocal of 400+ years of Black slavery (aka White Slavery)
3. "Big Brother" being renamed "Big Homie, Pimp Daddy, Big Brotha, Big Nigga," etc.
4. Legalization/decriminalization of Marijuana...(Most likely won't happen..not in his first term, anyway)
5. Decrease of police brutality (Just because we got a [half] black prez don't mean pigs won't be pigs).

6. The immediate dissipation of the Curse of Willie Lynch (check it out ya'll).

7. Prompt equality, Race relations being automatically equal, and racism disappearing.

8. The GrandWizard of the KKK getting a Black wife.

9. Ebonix being nationally recognized as "good" English.

10. White people being victims of The Man.

Currently, our new President is alive and well, and hopefully he stays that way! However, contrary to the belief those who harbor Anglo-guilt, say how the country has "progressed so far, anyone can be President", and expect things in America to be magically fixed due to the recent election, newsflash: they won't be. It's gonna take awhile. You can't take a country that has been fucked up since its creation and expect everything to abra-ka-fuckin-dabra overnight. However, hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Introduction...

Yo, as an aspiring journalist, I figured that I'd take a shot at this civic journalism genre of writing. I will be covering local news mostly, sense that's what I can investigate and report on. I do believe the majority of what I will report on will have to do with Hip-Hop &/or music and art in general..Other local events that appear in the news and such will also be commented on...I will stive to be as accurate as possible, keeping the spirit of integrity in my reporting. Language...I can't say I won't sue any colorful expletives, but I assure you that they will be in context and good taste. I suppose I shall update weekly and cover everything in one post (as I'm a horrible journal keeper I don't see how I could possibly keep a daily blog). Hell, at least I'm honest! I'm down for free-lance journalism, so if you know any newspapers that need a freelance journalist, fill me in! 2009 looks to be a promising year with lots of news, so I hope to be able to cover as much of it as possible ya dig?
