Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Introduction...

Yo, as an aspiring journalist, I figured that I'd take a shot at this civic journalism genre of writing. I will be covering local news mostly, sense that's what I can investigate and report on. I do believe the majority of what I will report on will have to do with Hip-Hop &/or music and art in general..Other local events that appear in the news and such will also be commented on...I will stive to be as accurate as possible, keeping the spirit of integrity in my reporting. Language...I can't say I won't sue any colorful expletives, but I assure you that they will be in context and good taste. I suppose I shall update weekly and cover everything in one post (as I'm a horrible journal keeper I don't see how I could possibly keep a daily blog). Hell, at least I'm honest! I'm down for free-lance journalism, so if you know any newspapers that need a freelance journalist, fill me in! 2009 looks to be a promising year with lots of news, so I hope to be able to cover as much of it as possible ya dig?
